
Day 33 - Siesta Inevitable

July 3 – Inevitable Siesta

Every time after I have lunch at home, I swear the minute I get back to my room, siesta fever hits me like crazy. So, what can I do right? Urgh. So today I didn’t do anything productive again. I meant to go the Science Museum but instead I slept from 3:00 – 5:30pm. I had to wake up coz we had another meeting with Veronica and this man from Central College. We went to Café Futbol for a drink and to talk about the program. After that, I went back home, had dinner, same old. At the dinner table, I told Ma. Luz that from now on, I will pack lunch and not come home anymore so I can avoid the siesta! LOL They laughed but said that was exactly what I needed to do. :P

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